Bikram Choudhury

What is yoga? Why would I do that? | Bikram

Yoga guru Bikram Choudhury fined $1 million for sexually abusing former lawyer

Joe Rogan Talks Bikram Yoga

Judge Issues Arrest Warrant For Founder Of Bikram Yoga: Bikram Choudhury | TIME

Shirley MacLaine on Bikram Yoga

Best actor in the world 😂 #bikram #bikramyoga

Best Food In The World?!

Spine is The Source of All Energy

Always tricks to the hard part that looks easy. #yogateacher #bikramyoga #yogastudent #yoga

Yoga is the Roots of Human Life

How Yoga Found Bikram

Bengali Song By Bikram Choudhury (Audio)

Bikram Explains Pranayama Breathing!

The Real Bikram Yoga teacher training is back! #bikramyoga #bikram #yogateachertraining

WOMEN LIKES ME, WOMEN LOVES ME According yo Bikram Choudhury. Oh the narcissist

Bikram Full Interview

Message about Yoga Teacher Trainings

Charlie Sheen talks Bikram!

Dance like it's Friday. #bikram

Bed of Nails - Bikram Choudhury

Bikram Choudhury Why it Works his method..........

Bikram Choudhury talk watches!!!

Bikram Yoga explained

Bikram Yoga Teacher Training!